We also had a wedding that we went to earlier that day. Our friend Kelly Baca got married. It was beautiful.
Although it was getting pretty hot that day. The heat does bad things to mommy. It makes me grumpy and makes my whole body swell. I didn't know I had to look like a fat sausage for daddy to feel so bad for me. He helped me get undressed and change into comfy clothes, tie ice packs to my legs, and packed the couch full of pillows so I could watch a nice movie comfortably.
Anyways, Life is getting harder day by day. Your room is all ready for you to come now. Daddy and I finished it together but I won't take much credit b/c Dad did most of it. He is good at stuff like that.
I bet you hear all the stupid comments mommy gets from people dont ya? I'm just so sick of everyone asking if I'm still pregnant!! Well obviously if I still have my HUGE belly and rolly polly face. I get laughed at every day for silly things I can't do anymore. I can't even get out of the car on my own. Daddy and I went for a nice fast paced walk yesterday but it did no good. My doctor said that you will come when you want to so not to stress too much about it. Just give me a little clue?? Your bags are packed and I started packing mine last night. Every time I call Daddy he gets scared. He loved the Fathers Day card you wrote him yesterday by the way. It was very sweet. Bailey, we love you and can't wait to see and hold you. We have all taken bets on who you will look like, how much you weigh, what day you are arriving, and how long you will be. Come prove someone right. I love you! See you soon.
39 weeks!
That was the cutest post ever. It just made my day!!
I'm so excited for you and Kyle. I can't wait to see pictures of little Bailey :)
Hang in there Heather you look so cute! She will come very soon! I hope she won't be like Morgan. She still didn't want to come on her due date, she fought and fought it! I pray you will have a nice 6 pounder!
I can't believe you're at the end! I know it probably doesn't seem like it to you but it seems like your pregnancy FLEW by! I can't wait to hear the news of her deciding to present herself to the world! :)
Good luck with everything! You better text me.
P.S I'll probably be moving back home in a couple weeks. SCORE!
I love the post! Gotta love the last few days of pregnancy-ugh. SOON tho!!! Bailey's room looks so cute! Keep us posted we are so excited for you!
She's almost here yay!! She is going to be a very cultured girl..with you going to concerts like Boyz 2 Men and then Jim Brickman. I can't wait to see whts she's like. I hope she's like you cause how fun would it be to have another crazy "Wiley" girl. If she's got Wiley in her blood, then watch out! " Ya mom and dad...i'm going "bowling" with some friends tonight..uh ya.." Sneaks out to go party! whooo hoo!! HAHA. Love you! Can't wait til Friday when she will hopefully be here and I can take lots of fun pictures ; P
I think you are beautiful pregnant. You'll wish she was back in that uterus in about 3 weeks. It's fun to carry your little one around with you all the time. Her room is darling. She will love it. It's nice to feel prepard. Good Luck! She will be here before you know it.
I see you know two Alicia's. I was reading the other Alicia's comment and couldn't for the life of me think of when I wrote that. Then I saw the picture. Duh!
Boy do I remember those last couple days. I thought it was NEVER going to happen. You guys are in for a whirlwind of a ride! If I had known what those first few weeks would be like I would have asked Sadie to stay where she was :) Unlike myself, I hope you have a mellow child, but something tells me she'll be a little pistol.
Call me any time if you want to chat or have questions. I can't wait to hear how the labor goes! For some reason I loved my delivery. I can't wait to do it again! Hope yours goes smoothly!
Love ya lots!
whoo hoo!! I'm so excited for you. I can't believe she's almost here.
Heather I think your the most adorable prego person, I only hope I can look as good as you when I'm 39 weeks. The room looks adorable it makes me want a girl but I know how badly someone wants a boy! I couldn't stop laughing at the bean story. You made it all that way with no stretch marks and that darn bean had to ruin it all! I hope all goes well with the delivery and can't wait to hear all about it!
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