Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So I've decided that I need to learn how to do motherly/wife type things since the only thing I'm good at is sports!! Luckily I have Allie and Annalee who feel the same and we have been good at helping each other out. Annalee is very good at sewing and poor thing had to teach the sewing for dummies to me. I went and bought myself a sewing machine and we got together and I now know how to thread a bobbin, sew a button, fix a stuck needle, and I even have made 2 scrubtops for work!!!
Next thing we did together was made homemade freezer jam. Who knew it could be so fun and easy. We made a day out of it and it was awesome. We started with Strawberry jam and we might try to do Apricot jam next. For my moms b-day I baked a fresh loaf of bread and gave her a jar of jam. How simple!
Last thing I did on my own. I'm getting super excited for the arrival of our new baby girl, so I went out and bought letters for her room. I got creative and went and sat outside so I could get a tan while painting. I painted the letters the green color of the wall and did pink and brown polk-a-dots! They are super cute. I will post a picture later.
I have a few more projects in the working but all-in-all, I'm having fun learning new things I never knew how to do and I'm quite proud of myself. haha Who know a tom boy could do arts and crafts :)
Thanks Annalee and Allie for helping the needy!!!!


Devry said...

i'm impressed, i just barely learned how to sew and i'm not that good at it, i've never made freezer jam before, and i made some letters for asher's room too and i'm not crafty at all, so i totally get it!

Ashley said...

Love it! Next time you guys have a learning session call me! I don't know a dang thing.
How many weeks do you have left? :)

Annalee and Buck said...

The needy huh? Ha ha well let's just never put me around a softball and we can keep saying I'm good at things :) making jam was so much fun, I really wanna go get apricots and make some, it's just as good as the strawberry. Maybe next time we can have a knitting party! :)

Kristy said...

Look at you go girl! You are going to be super mom before you know it! You are awesome and I just love you so much! Oh and comments on each others blogs isnt good enough for me... I need a phone call!....I miss you friend...sniff sniff:)

Alicia Bunderson said...

Isn't it fun to do motherly type things...I love doing crafts for Morgan's room. My living room is always a mess though, poor shawn is always picking up paper and glue and wood, but hey at least her room is cute! And good job on the sewing, I'm not a sewer at all.