Sunday, October 20, 2013

Easton 18 months

Easton at 18 months:

He loves to:
Play baseball most, but also likes any sport with a ball. Basketball, soccer, football, tetherball. He has a ball and bat in his hands all day long. If he sees the sport on TV, he cheers and throws up his hands. He will squat down and hit a ball and then run around the couch like it is bases.

He is the sweetest little child. He still loves to cuddle with his mommy. He used to sleep through the night until about a year old. Now he wakes up once or twice a night and just wants us to hold him. We usually will give him a bottle, hug him, and lay him back down.

Words he can say: Uh-oh, Mama, Dada, shoes, ball, cheese, Ouch

He started walking at 13 months old. He is very bow legged. I will ask the Dr. if he needs to wear braces at night because his whole leg is turned inward.

He eats a lot, but is picky about what he eats. He doesn't like for us to feed him anymore. He has to spoon feed himself. Favorite foods: string cheese, mac n cheese, hot dogs, ravioli, sausage, hashbrowns, noodles, and all baby food. He doesn't really love vegetables like Bailey did.

He is obsessed with shoes. He loves wearing them and will always go find them in the closet and bring them to me. He will sit in my lap and say SHOES....until I put them on.

He weighs 28 lbs. Size 18-24 month clothes, size 6 shoes. Still drools like CRAZY! he has 8 teeth. 4 top, 4 bottom. White hair. Chunky thighs. He still has nasty respiratory issues. I think all winter he will have a yucky gunky cough and runny nose.

He is only taking one nap a day. And even some days that is hit or miss. He always poops at nap time and that prolongs him falling asleep. His bed time is 7:30 and wakes up about 8:00am

1 comment:

Alicia said...

WOW! I didn't realize you still did updates. Shame on me! I loved reading about your life. You should post more :) Easton is adorable. Love is white hair and cute boyishness. Sad about his health problems. For what it's worth dairy makes mucus so if he's really plugged up taking him off dairy could really help. I've read about that over and over again but my kids aren't that way so I've never tried it. I read about it all the time, though. Kids asthma and respiratory issues are often eliminated when their parents take dairy completely out of the kid's diet. Love ya :)