Wednesday, October 14, 2009

3 months

Bailey is now 3 months and 3 weeks old. She is growing and developing every single day. These past few days have really been fun, minus the no sleep. I am back to work now. The first shift I cried all the way to work, but now its a little get away for me to be with adults and have real conversations. Kyle has been doing great with Bailey and they get those 2 shifts a week to bond with each other. Bailey has discovered her vocal cords just a little. She has started blowing the bubbles and babbling. It is so cute to sit behind her and watch her. She will just stare at the ceiling and talk for a good 10 minutes or so. Also, now when Bailey wakes up in the middle of the night, I go in and try to rock her back to sleep or nurse her. While nursing she will pull away and look up into my eyes and smile SO big. Like shes not even tired. I can't help but start laughing which makes her smile even more and longer. These first 3 months have been difficult due to her colic but now I see relief is on its way. I also think part of her problem is that she isn't eating enough. We started feeding her more and WOW, she's been happier. lol. While talking with girls from work, I discovered that I only produce a 1/3 of what they produce. Dang, I've been starving my child!!! haha. Sorry Bailey, I know you will forgive me though. Here are a few pictures of her smiling away. Man, she's so dang cute.

Oh yea, on September 19th she rolled from her belly to her back 3 times in a row but won't do it again. I set her down on her play mat the other day and then went to make breakfast, when I got back she was on the complete opposite side of the mat. My girl is sneaky sneaky and won't let her mommy enjoy watching her roll over.


Kaelyn said...

I can't believe she is almost 4 months old! That's crazy! She is getting so big and looks so sweet! I'm so glad she is so happy for you now! Let's get together soon!

Kristy said...

Look at those big smiles! I just love her so much and I'm so sad that she doesn't even know her most favorite person in the world!:) It's just not right!:) I'm glad she is doing well and I love you all so much!

Kristy said...

And yes you and Kaelyn should get together soon and talk about how it's not right that I'm not there:) Fun! haha