Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So heres what happened......
It started getting cold here in Utah and now that we have a house with a fire place, I thought It would be a great idea to have a fire last Monday night. I called Kyle and told him to find some fire wood at work and bring it home. Well, we started building the fire right before One Tree Hill came on and I threw in some newspaper and then Kyle did the rest. Well, I'm from Florida so of coarse I don't know much about all this stuff, I knew Kyle would have it under control. So he lights the match and we have a fire. Well.....he starts saying...WOW, this is creating a lot of smoke Heather, I wonder why!? So the house continues to fill with smoke and I went running around opening up all windows and doors even though it was 30 degrees out side. Well, we have this security system in our house that we don't pay for but it is still activated. The alarm started going off and shouting...FIRE....ALERT...FIRE! Dang it! They automatically send a response crew out every time the alarm goes off. Ya, so first the officer arrives and checks on us and few seconds later we hear ALL the sirens going off. As they are pulling up, I'm motioning to them to go and everything is fine. Well, they came in and the house is filled even more with smoke. One of the Firefighters says to me, "Hey, do you work at the ER?" Oh great, I'm going to be the joke around the hospital. Anyways, so they bring out their huge fan and blow out all the smoke. In the mean time, we found out that we didn't open the Flue in the fireplace which is what allows all the smoke to exit the house. DUH............ My house was a mess so I'm trying to clean as they are going in and out of the house. So embarassing I tell ya. I'm still laying low when I see Orem Fire come into the ER. hahaha.

I was excited so I was taking pictures.
We were so proud until.......
Dang it...the Fire Department :(
Some were laughing at us....some were NOT!

Monday, November 10, 2008

So Lazy

I am just such a lazy person. Yesterday was Sunday and we have church at 1:00pm. Don't worry, I slept in until 12:30 ish and then didn't have time to get ready for church so I sat on the couch and fell back asleep while Kyle went and enjoyed the cute primary program. I was bummed I missed it. Then has been drizzling all day and I'm on call for work so I try to get the most sleep before they call me in. Well I was forcing myself to toss and turn b/c I thought it was like 9 am. NO....I woke up and it was NOON! Dang, I need to do something. I might go to Mervyns b/c they are going out of business. Anyone bored? I really need to study for Anatomy but lazy people hate to study! hahaha. Hince why I'm writing this post, to procrastinate the things I really need to be doing. :)