- Honey, your face is so nice and round these days.
- Man, every time I look at you, you are causing me physical pain.
- You're pregnant? Good, I could tell, but wasn't going to say anything.
- Heather, I think you should sit down, your body is swelling.
- Can I push that bed for you? It looks painful.
- Here, don't you dare bend over.
- You haven't popped yet?
- Your due WHEN?
- Why are you so much bigger then Deb? Aren't you due after her?
- I love to push on pregnant womens belly buttons, its like a trampoline.
- Geez, when is that child coming out of you, you have been pregnant forever!!
- Gosh Heather, how much lunch did you pack for one day? You think you have enough? I'm hungry too!
- Hungry Hippo is a nickname I have recieved.
- Do you ever stop eating?
- Everytime I see you, you have something in your mouth.
- Your big belly is just so darn cute!
- Don't worry, you should
I'm sure there are many more. I get comments every day. I won't lie, I will not miss the same questions asked day after day. I just try to answer them like it was my first time being asked. I know people are just excited for me. I find myself asking the same questions to other pregnant women too though, so I think it's just a form of small talk. If you can think of any more fun comments that you got while you were pregnant, feel free to add them to the list! Only 28 more days!!!! Wahooooooo.